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Orthodontics for Teens


At The AIDER we provide Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment for Teens.

Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment is indicated when almost all of the permanent teeth have emerged in the mouth and the establishment of a proper bite and teeth alignment is necessary.

Comprehensive treatment involves braces treatment on the upper and lower jaws typically, and in some cases, clear aligners may be used as an alternative.


The treatment length depends on how severe the crowding and the misalignment of the jaw are.


Teens with minor crowding with the teeth in the front of the mouth and a proper bite in the back, may only take 9-12 months of treatment. To correct severe crowding and improper bite could possibly take 18-24 months of treatment and in some cases, longer.


Dr. Bottoni can advise you after the initial Consult about the length of the necessary treatment and the associated costs.

*WARNING: Any dental or surgical procedure carries risks which also may depend on your general health. This will be discussed with you prior to any dental intervention. 

Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner such as your dentist or your doctor.

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